Legends about origami

Develop imagination and the imagination of a child when working with paper and origami help creating legends associated with Japanese culture and, in particular, with the folding origami shapes.

The most famous extant legends about the Japanese art is directly linked with the figure of origami - paper cranes.

In Eastern culture the crane symbolizes love, faith and hope. From legends to be that if you put a thousand of these figures, and then give them to the people around you may be filled with the most cherished desire.

According to legend, a long time on the ground there lived a poor master who dedicated his entire life origami. He was very kind to everyone and everything that surrounded him. His main occupation was the folding of sheets of different figures, which he handed out to children.

One day he met on the road traveling monk and gave him a figure of crane. It touched a monk, and he said: "put their figures on. The main thing - your belief in their importance. Even if the war around, stay true to his art, and it will thank you by making the rich and famous. "

After some time, in fact, the war broke out. Young went on to fight this long and bloody war. And poor Master stubbornly continued to collect their figures than annoying people around. Angered, the neighbors decided to burn his house, but once there, they were delighted with the variety and magnificence of the figures. Good master gave each one included in his house people liked figure. In front of the guests made a master sheet of the crane, which came to life in his hands and flew away - he was a messenger of peace. People are inspired, believe in yourself, and soon won the war.

At the end of the Second World War, Crane became the personification of peace and freedom. In addition, he became a symbol of deliverance from the threat of nuclear and radiation sickness. This is another, very similar to the legendary true story about a girl named Sadako Sasaki. In 1945, during the bombing of Hiroshima, she lost her parents, and she was the victim of radiation sickness. At the hospital she began folding paper cranes. The girl believed in the legend of the thousands of cranes, which grant their wishes. She folded figures and constantly prayed for his recovery and for peace throughout the world.

But desire is not fulfilled. The girl died Oct. 25, 1955, making only 644 crane. But her idea was picked up by people all over the world, they folded paper cranes and send them to the museum in the world to come to pass at least one of the girls desire for peace on the earth. As a result, a small paper crane became epitomize peace on the planet.

Another ancient legend said that origami store a part of the soul of the person who made it. People believed that adding the figures, a person invests in them a part of himself. They say that once a rich man rewarded, having presented him a great origamny ball. But the rich man could not find his place in his home and gave his old mother, who lived nearby. Once her son got sick, but evil sister in law is not allowed to visit his mother. After his death, when his mother spoke about what had happened, she was already all knew, because the moment of death of her son, a ball, which he gave to her, fell and crumbled to pieces.

According to the Japanese, if the gift wizard suddenly deteriorated or torn, the sick master himself. Believing in these signs, origamisty asked to keep his gift as a talisman, and rarely give strangers made figurines.

The Japanese believe in the success and good luck charms that bring origami. Therefore, they are often used as symbols. For example, the automobile company Mitsubishi badge is an origami figure. If people believe in the virtue of good figures, it immediately becomes a talisman for good luck. This is reflected in another interesting legend.

In ancient times lived a rich girl who does not want to accept courting poor boys. In turn, persevering love every day put on her windowsill bouquet of flowers. When winter came and fresh flowers are gone, he started making them out of paper, putting them all my love. Usually the flowers from the window sill threw the maid, but once she did it and she picked up a paper daffodil extraordinary beauty, exuding a real, lively flavor. Then she realized the power of love of the poor young man and took his courtship.

Man creates his hands origami really have a special energy. It is proved that in areas where ornaments are used as origami, positive energy is many times greater than the energy in ordinary rooms. Therefore, origami even try to apply the figures for the cure of diseases.